are memory foam shoes good for running (With facts)

You might know memory foam for comfy mattresses and pillows, but now they are in the shoes game too, Comfortable walking and running is possible by Memory foam, It can reduce pressure on your feet by 40%. That’s like treating your feet!

Memory foam shoes provide comfort and cushioning. They’re designed to fit your feet ‘ shape and provide personalized support.

Memory foam provides shock absorption, pressure relief, and comfort to your feet during long-term wear and reduces injuries.

Runners, athletes, and ordinary people have all tested memory foam. They don’t provide enough flexibility. But memory foam mattresses mold to the shape of the foot and offer personalized comfort and support.

Explanation and Benefits of Memory Foam Shoes

Memory foam shoes are made from polyurethane and several other chemicals, and there is no exact formula to make memory foam shoes. That’s why they feel slightly different functionally.

For additional comfort, the memory foam works as magic, the memory foam takes the shape of your feet and provides cushioning to feet. They protect your feet and joints from impact and injuries.

Foot pain: I have foot pain because I wear uncomfortable shoes. When I usually carry some weight or perform weight exercises I feel more pressure in my feet. When we carry weight or exercise all the weight is transferred to the feet, which causes foot pain. Memory foam shoes support your arch, and relieve pain and pressure.

Efficiency and Pressure: If you are always on your feet, the memory foam eases pressure on your feet during running,walking or standing. Normally shoes do not absorb weight pressure that causes foot pain.

But memory foam absorbs pressure, relieves heel shock, foot pain and eases pressure on your feet. It also improves stability.

Are Memory Foam Shoes Suitable for Running?

Opinions about memory foam can depend on your personal use. Memory foam offers cushioning and comfort, but it has concerns about heat retention and support, making it less favorable for professional runners. Here are some insights from both sides.

Memory foam shoes pro and cons digram


Comfort: Memory foam shoes provide you a cozy, comfort, protection and comfy feeling.

Pain of Foot Ball : Memory foam shoes offer extra cushioning, especially beneficial for those starting a running routine, and experiencing foot pain ( due to different running styles)

Reduces impact: Accodring to research of systematic review shoes with memory foam can reduce force impacts during landing or loading which may protect you from injuries.


Cushioning subsides over the run: when you start running, Memory foam mold around your foot and cause less cushioning, after some time the foam shape your feet fully and become less springy. This means it stope the same level of bouncing and quick springing.

But it’s still ideal for long runs where you need shock absorption but not if you are looking for lasting support.

Retains heat: Compared to other materials, memory foam shoes retain heat and can cause discomfort during long exercise sessions plus it may cause your shoes to sweat more inside your shoes over time. (But you can handle it by adding backsoil to it).

Durability: Ideally, replace sneakers every 300-500 miles, but you may need to do so more frequently with memory foam.

conclusion of are memory foam shoes good for running

Momory foam shoes may be more comfortable than normal but the retention of heat and lack of supportive overpronators is the down side.

My opinion as a running coach,Shoes type is not very important for casual runners no matter what kind of shoes they wear. It’s important to choose shoes that are comfortable for you, And provides just enough support.

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